Frequently asked questions about Ebena

Read this help page for answers about some frequently asked questions.

What is Ebena?

Ebena is a website that helps you find a hair stylist near you or anywhere at the best price. Hair stylists can easily connect with new clients and offer their services. Ebena provides a large database of beauty professionals that can offer services from their hair salons or even at home. On our website, women can search for beauty services and book their appointments.

How does it work?

All you need is to create an account, add your name and contact information. Add your services and prices and you are all set! We offer you unlimited space to post your services, set prices, upload pictures. Ebena powerful search features can hook you up with customers easier.

How much is it?

Ebena is free to use. Yes, Free! No catch, no gimmicks. 

How do I create my account?

Go to the hair stylist signup page and enter your information to create your account. Next, you need to complete your profile:

Add your name and contact information:

Tell your customers about yourself and how to reach you by adding the following information:

  • Your first name
  • Your last name
  • Your phone number
  • Your Address with city and state: It is recommended that you add your location so that customers can find you on the map

Add your services:

Customers need to know the type of service that you offer

  • Type of service: e.g: crochets, twists etc.
  • Price of the service: The price you charge for the service
  • Completion time: The time it takes to do the job
  • Image of the style and brief description: Make sure you add a nice photo to feature the service

Add Photos

We offer unlimited space for posting photos in your gallery. Showcase you work by adding the best pictures of your hairstyles and show your customers how good you are!