Hair stylists: Five things to do at home during the coronavirus lockdown

So, you have been home in isolation for the last few weeks due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Have you been wondering what to do with the extra time that you have while staying at home? Here are a few ideas for you to keep yourself busy, stay productive, and even make some extra cash.

5. Keep in touch with your clientele

Your clientele is one of the most valuable assets that your business has. Even if you close your business temporarily due to the coronavirus outbreak, you should still keep in touch with your clients. Show your clients that your care by doing one of the following:

  • Make a courtesy call to your client to check on her
  • Send a cheerful email to your client
  • Send a text message to your client to say hi!

Remember to add a personal touch to your message!

A small token of appreciation will go a long way and strengthen the relationship with your client.

On Ebena, you can easily save your clients’ names, phone numbers, and emails in your contact list for future reference.

4. Update your price list

If you have been home for a while, now might be the time for a little bookkeeping for your business. Start by reviewing your business expenses and income for the last quarter. Based on the services that you offer, this might be the best time to update your price list.

  • How much to charge for a hairstyle?
  • How much is the deposit?
  • What is the cancellation policy?
  • Is the deposit non-refundable, non-transferable?

On Ebena online booking, you can organize and list all your hair services with prices and variants. Variants give you the option to add different sizes, hair types, extras, etc. for each service on your list. When it is time to re-open your hair business, you will be ready for a fresh start with an up-to-date price list.

3. Start a Youtube channel

If you have time on your hand, now might be the best time to start your own YouTube channel. A channel allows you to showcase your talent and share your experience with viewers worldwide.

  1. Choose a subject that you are passionate about
  2. Record your video
  3. Post your video
  4. Share your video

How to start your Youtube channel

One of the keys to a successful Youtube channel is to post quality content that people want to watch. Take some time to think about what subject you would like to post on your channel that will keep viewers interested?

Here are some simple ideas of Youtube videos:

  • Teach lessons on how to do a hairstyle
  • Share some of your hair techniques
  • Review your favorite hair products
  • Talk about your experience as a hair professional
  • Talk about entrepreneurship in the hair business

The good news is that you can also make money on Youtube if your channel becomes popular enough with at least 1000 followers. When your channel gets enough watch hours, you can monetize it and get paid when people watch your videos.

Youtube is the second largest search engine; it is an excellent marketing tool. If you have some time to make videos, it will give you some good exposure. Keep in mind that Youtube monetization is a long-term revenue model; so, do not expect to get paid overnight.

Ebena hair stylist at home

2. Improve your presence on social media

If you have more time in your hand while staying home, take this opportunity to improve your online presence.

Update your Facebook page

Update the Facebook page for your business: contact information, location, booking website, and deposit policies.

Post more on Instagram

It is time to reconnect with your followers on Instagram. Add new hairstyles photos and videos on your Instagram. Wanna learn how to be successful on Instagram? Read our article on how to get new clients on Instagram in 2020

1. Update your booking website

Still taking appointments by phone or text message. We can help.

On your booking website, you can collect deposits in advance, manage your appointment calendar, and stay organized. If you are taking fewer clients and adjusting your opening hours, you can make these changes in a few clicks on your booking website. If you haven’t updated your booking website, now might be the right time to do it.

Need help with your booking website?

Contact us for a free 15-mins call. We will personally walk you through how to set up your booking website, calendar, and services on Ebena.

We are here to help.

Take good care of yourself and stay home if you can.

– Ebena hair salon online booking

I am a hair professional I need a hair appointment